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Why choose TechworX?

01. The personal touch

In this modern fast paced environment it is easy to become just another number and get lost in the system, another ticket in a long queue. Every job is individually attended to from beginning to completion and no extra work is undertaken until that is complete. Small workloads equal faster turn around times.

02. Many years of experience

We have been around in IT since before Windows was created and thus we are the proverbial DOS dinosaur, which in a way is great as we have the experience of doing things the hard way which back then was the only way to do it.

03. Freedom to adapt accordingly

No two jobs are alike, each one comes with its own individualistic requirements which in turn affect cost and turn around times. Without a chain of command to follow or list of permissions to acquire, we are able to plan and each job on its merits and thereafter charge accordingly which in turn favours your pocket.

04. Same day service (where possible)

Due to the aforementioned smaller workloads we able to offer faster turn around times if your machine is brought to us in a timely manner. Most jobs can be completed and be ready for collection on the same day if the machine is brought in early enough. Obviously this is reliant on possible stock availability from suppliers however most support work while time consuming is achievable in a daily timeframe.

05. Legacy support

There is not always a need for the latest and greatest - Keeping older machines and parts running and performing optimally is what we are good at, so why change it?

06. Operational Partners

Should there be an issue that for some reason we cannot attend to, we have operational partners to whom we can pass it along, ensuring that your requirements are met.

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